Trident Delphi and Free Pascal Wrapper for the QMClient C API


The Trident Delphi and Free Pascal Wrapper for the QMClient C API consists of two, free Object Pascal units that allow you to access the functionality provided by the QMClient C API from within your Delphi or Free Pascal (FPC) applications.


The QMClient API allows you to work with many aspects of your OpenQM database, such as session management, file handling, dynamic array manipulation, string manipulation, command and subroutine execution.


Until now, without a lot of work, the QMClient API was only available to developers using Visual Basic, PureBasic, or C.  Now, with these API wrappers specifically written in Object Pascal, Delphi and FPC developers can also enjoy easy to use connectivity between their applications and OpenQM databases.


These API wrappers are written to ensure ease of use.  No complicated pointer management or variable typecasting is required.  Your calls to the QMClient API functions use and return only three variable types - Boolean, Integer, and AnsiString!


Adding QMClient connectivity to your Delphi and FPC applications is simple.  Just add a single reference to the Uses clause of a project unit and the full QMClient API becomes available to that unit.




The Trident Delphi and Free Pascal Wrapper for the QMClient C API is distributed under a BSD style license, the full text of which can be read here.

Complete download - Delphi/FPC Units and documentation (464 kb)